Saturday, December 3, 2011

Weekend in a Mountain Town

People have been stopping by my house to give me heck about this bear, as if it is my fault that it likes hanging out on my property so much! I suppose that's a small town for you; people like to talk things up. One guy kept saying "you need to move this bear along. The bear needs to be moved along" and when I asked him for a suggestion of just how to do this when I don't have any bear bangers or rubber bullets he started to repeat himself.

The Conservation Officer (CO) in Lillooet, Bob, gave a local resident, Tom, some bear bangers and rubber bullets. I gave Tom a call yesterday and he came by and shot at the bear a few times and sent a couple of bangers its way. When it ran from my yard he got in his truck and chased it way up the mountain. It seemed like the whole town was out to watch.

This morning it was not back, so I went for a long walk on a ridge overlooking town with Sanford. (The ridge is on the other side of the river, so the bear was unlikely to be there). I saw a four-point buck and two doe up there; at one point all four of us were just staring at each other wondering who was going to make the next move. Maybe I'll try hunting next year; I seem to have lots of luck with finding deer. I also saw some small cat tracks, probably a lynx, which I followed for  while until I lost them in the snow. The tracks were pressed so lightly at times it was like following the ghost of a trail; when I walked from sun into shade I had to let my eyes adjust before I could see the tiny row of prints again.

Here is a view of the town from the ridge. The school is on the far left, just at the edge of the picture, General Store is the brown building on the far right, Bridge River in front.

Town and the mountains. 

Looking left, down the bridge river valley.

 And here is a picture of the beautiful buck.

Some pictures of Cinnamon that I was able to get during his extended stay.

Taking a nap in my backyard. 

When I returned from my walk I made some eggs for lunch and then noticed some guys in conservation uniforms had pulled up beside my yard fence. One of them had a gun of some sort (I certainly don't know my guns), and when I looked I noticed that Cinnamon was back at it picking away at the berries on my trees. The CO was able to get within ten feet of the bear before firing. I was expecting a much larger bang and was surprised the shot sounded so small.

The two gentlemen then moved their truck down to the lane beside my house where the bear had run, and, assuming it was safe I went out the front door and yelled over the bank.

"Is the bear dead?"

One of them replied "No. He is fast asleep though. You are welcome to come pet him if you like." They had hit him with a tranquilizer dart.

So, down I went and I got to pet a live grizzly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some pics.

They said that the bear was very skinny, and when I felt through his thick fur he was all skin and bones, only about 75 pounds, although with fur he looks to be a couple hundred. He is definitely starving, so that is why he is not hibernating; if he were to find a cave he would die in it over the winter. The COs said they would bring him as far as they could up the Hurley, and on their way they would stop by an old trapper's house who has a stash of some animal carcasses. They would lay the little bear down beside a pile of meat, and hopefully when he wakes up he will feast, and then if all goes well his hibernation instinct should kick in. I'm hoping this is the case, but Bob said that sometimes after being knocked out an animal will just get up and run when it finally comes to. If he comes back to town again they will shoot him with a bullet, although in his state I think the wolves or coyotes will get him before he has the chance to wander back.

The COs stopped by my place on their way to dinner to let me know that they drove the bear a good 20 km up the Hurley and piled about 50 pounds of meat next to him. They left when he started to wake up. We made a wager on how long it would take him to get back here. I said he wouldn't be back... we shall see...

First day skiing tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm psyched... what an amazing life I lead!

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