Monday, December 5, 2011

New Pet?

Grizz update: A few wonderful animal-loving Gold Bridge residents drove out to visit Cinnamon's drop-off point on the Hurley, where he would have awoken groggily on Saturday next to a gigantic pile of raw meat. Lucky bear! Apparently there were his tracks all over the place, and it was evident that he had eaten a large portion of his stash. (Cue happy dance). Hopefully a deer carcass can be found to drop off for the little guy. With a little help he might just make it through the winter, hopefully in a spot that is far outside of town. I have been looking out my windows every morning and evening to see if he has come back, so it was great to hear that he is gorging himself and camping out elsewhere. Fingers crossed...

One "pet" leaves, and another arrives. A mouse in the house. I opened the cupboard under the sink, my face nice and low because I was going to immediately grab the garbage pail to change the bag, and what is perched on the lip of the bucket, whiskers twitching and little grey body poised to dive into the score, eeeeeeeeeeeeek, a mouse! I actually let out a little scream, and it stood frozen for a minute and before scurrying back down through a crack between the wood and the sink pipe while I started laughing. It was SO CUTE! I quickly got to work, which never ends around here, and swapped out the "open" garbage pail for one with a very tight-fitting lid. I then put a lit on my well-washed recycling, swept the floor again, cleaned off all the counters and washed the sinks and changed all my dish cloths and towels. Hopefully we don't come face to face again, because I don't think relocation will be an option for this new pet.

First ski tour of the year on Sunday and it was AMAZING! Beautiful bluebird sky, good company, amazing new AT gear (AT stands for "alpine tour"--you stick "skins" onto the bottom of your skis and set your bindings to allow your heel to lift to climb uphill, then you take the skins off and lock your heel in to ski downhill). Simon and I sledded (aka snowmachined/snomobiled for the uninitiated... I am only just learning the proper lingo) up to Taylor Basin (I think?), practiced some beacon searching--good review from the avalanche course--and dug a snow pit once we reached the alpine, just for fun. We then nerded-out and talked about terrain versus avalanche potential and discussed our route. Good hike up, nice ski down, POWDER, although I am still getting used to my ski legs since switching over from snowboarding to gain easier access to certain terrain in the backcountry (sorry to you split-boarders, but tight trees coming down a mountain with the weight of an overnight pack on my back just doesn't work for me ;)

Lunchbreak before the ski down.

These skis are WICKED! Rossi S7s. They practically ski for me while still allowing some room for me to grow into them, which is good, because I certainly need the help at the start of a new season and hope to get lots of days of practice by the end!

Went into Lillooet with my entire school today, which consisted of one whole student! We went to spend the day at the elementary school I used to work at. We saw seventeen bald eagles perched atop trees by the river and one large bird of prey which I looked up in a gas station bird book and think was a peregrine falcon. There were also about forty swans swimming in Carpenter Lake where the lake meets the Bridge River, about 15 minutes drive from Gold Bridge. It was like a swan convention down there, where they meet up to gossip and talk all-inclusive lake options on their way south. Often on my evening walks I hear geese trumpeting across the valley as they come in for a dusk landing to rest for the night on the lake; it is so large--highway 40 follows it for at least 30 minutes of drive-time--it's no wonder migratory birds choose to rest there; perhaps it would stand out like a huge neon FOOD/BEER/MOTEL sign to a pack of 20-year-olds wandering down an otherwise barren country road on a Saturday night.

Now it's off to bed, and I finally get to help--by shouting encouragement of course--skin a doe tomorrow. I am interested in checking it out because I eat meat and have never had any experiences with the preparation of it. Yes, I'm a nerd. Good night and sweet dreams to Cinnamon, Mousy, and to the rest of you all :)

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