Saturday, April 13, 2013

For Michelle

A painting I made for my middle sister. The light is a bit too bright to see all the details in green along the bottom of the painting, but this was the best representation I could get after trying a number of different things.


A single flower in detail.


  1. Hey Jacquie,

    For future photoshoots, here's an FYI: The best lighting for taking photos of art (for a DIYer without a photo studio anyway) is to take the picture on a light, cloudy day. The light cloud cover keeps the sun from being too glaringly bright, blowing out the whites and making shadows too dark. But it shouldn't be too overcast (definitely NOT raining) or the images will be too dark and can have a blue tint to them. Just a little tip I learned in college that has helped me many, many times over the years.


    1. Thank you for this great tip Richelle!

      And thanks for reading :)
