Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Filling up the Reservoir

My grade seven student and I drove into Lillooet this morning for a district-wide "Empower Her!" conference for grades 7, 8 and 9 girls. We had a great day mingling with our friends (me seeing some teacher friends from around the district, and she linking up with some other students her age from neighbouring communities). She and I have also been working together on a photography self-study, and we stopped to take some pictures along the road back.

Carpenter reservoir is filling up with spring run-off. The Bridge River used to come all the way up past Gold Bridge until a couple of dams halted it. There are stumps and tree debris all the way along the lake bottom, which make for an interesting subject juxtaposed with the silty sand and turquoise water. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you might be leaving the valley. You have definitely been one of the more interesting "characters" up there in a while. FRom what I have seen and heard, people have appreciated you more than you know, with good reason I believe. you shall be missed.
    But life goes on. you need to keep on growing, and there are other things for you to do. Keep on writing,if nothing more, you are enjoying it.
    FRan and I hope to get up there this summer, I want to conquer a couple more mountains ( maybe Whitecap, and even Taseko Lakes again). I recognized the pictures of the old road behind Smitty's where the bus and old shack are across the Hurley River. It was driven up there over the ice. Quite the feat, obviously a few years ago.I would like to figure out how to get across it this summer. Could be fun. I don't know how you got up the canyon from there, it is really steep. Maybe I am just a wimp.
    Anyway, God bless, say hello to Anna for us, maybe we shall meet again in the Bridge River Valley. Good luck, John and Fran
