Monday, March 5, 2012

Living the Dream

Friday. Four hour walk with Sanford, following animal trails through the woods. It's easy to travel off-trail here, as the undergrowth is padded down by the snow and even before the first snowfall the vines and leaves tend to shrink back into the earth to hibernate for the winter months.

In the middle of our walk I found a gigantic fir tree towering above all else. It looked ill, and sap poured like wax from a candle down its side.

I hugged the tree, because I'm a tree-hugger.

Saturday. Wonderful ski day with a new friend from Bralorne. We walked all the way to the top of Sunshine Junior. It was really windy, and we had to put on our helmets and goggles before we hit the top because our faces were getting sandblasted with tiny ice pellets.

Strider running after us.

Sunday. Work. School work and writing work. Sorted out log pile for a couple of hours. Split wood. Is it spring? The snow has almost completely melted, and it was 10 degrees for most of the day. My car is sitting in my driveway right in the middle of a gigantic puddle.

Monday. Wake up to a foot of fresh powder. Teachers are on strike. The BC government has ruled that teachers can strike initially for a maximum of three days, and then can strike only one day per week after this initial three days. I made a couple of signs and went down to sit by the General Store. It was great watching a sleepy town wake up on a Monday morning. People stopped by to show their support, and I got a few honks.

Handing a leaflet to Ken.

Teacher with trusty thermos filled with tea.

I have lots more to say about all that is going on, with the strike and with my own little adventures out here, but I got a dinner invite out of my morning strike effort and must get on the way. I'll update again soon!


  1. interesting strike position. You may have to do some four hour hikes to stay sane
