Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Calm after the Storm

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to send me an email, to phone or to hold me in your thoughts since reading about Sanford. It has been quite the week. Each day I am feeling a little better, and it is so very helpful to have such support from family and friends. Thank you!

Sanford’s owner stopped by Monday evening to tell me how sorry he was that I had to find him like that. We reminisced, and he told me of the burial site chosen for Sanford—way up high on a ridge overlooking the river where Sanford and I spent many afternoons walking. I’m looking forward to the long walk alone to pay him a visit there.

Today I finally started to feel back to my usual self again after a long February low. I'm sure that part of this is due to having plans to head into Lillooet tomorrow night, then for a ski tour off the Duffy Lake Road on Friday with a friend or two before heading down the sea-to-sky corridor and into Vancouver for the weekend. I’ve got lots of friends lined up to visit with, and some errands scheduled, of course. Looking forward to being just another anonymous face in the hustle of the city, if only for a couple of days. I have certainly never craved it like I do now, but I'm still sure that a couple of days will be enough for me.

This evening I spent a few hours in my art studio finishing a painting I’ve been working on for a while, and coming close to completing a second one that has been in the works. I’ll take some pictures during daylight hours when the glare from the overhead lighting is not so apparent on the fresh paint. It was wonderful to get into the creative zone again. I’ve also been writing these past couple of nights, just journaling in the evenings before bed, recording the ebb and flow of my thoughts.

Life can seem such a runaway train at times, but then there are also those moments of calm, as if I am staring into a mountain lake on a windless day, watching the surrounding trees in an almost perfect reflection. 

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