Wednesday, February 13, 2013

SLLP Promo Video

Here is the promotional video for the Sustainable Living Leadership Program (SLLP) which takes place for twenty five days each summer down the length of the Fraser River. I was lucky enough to praticipate last August, and am still hoping to be a member of a relay team that will swim down the Fraser in a couple of years to raise awareness about the program and the health of the Fraser watershed.

The video was created by Jeremy Williams, an amazing filmmaker, who was with us for half of our time on the river, and who had participated in other SLLP trips in the past. My intereview was not used, but I am flipping off the boat and can be seen intermingled in the group from time to time. If you know of any young leaders living in BC, you've GOT to tell them to apply for this year's trip!


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