Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Santa's Village

Happy New Year everyone! My 2013 has started in a flurry of fireworks and it makes me so incredibly thankful for how life can work out in some mysteriously amazing ways.Good people just keep walking through the doors of my soul and filling me up, even when I thought myself already bursting with positivity.

More on this later, perhaps.

As promised, here are some photos of our Santa's Village. Another update to follow this evening after a snowshoe with Sanford. The snow is falling in thick flakes here; snowfall warning is in effect, with 20 cm expected to fall overnight. It sure feels good to be home!

 Preparing the backdrop for our village.

Getting into the holiday spirit.

 Village from afar. The purple box was a spaceship in September, a robot in October, a coffin in November, and returned in this incarnation as the Toy Workshop. The sleigh in the sky is peeking out at the top of the shot. Forgot to get a better picture of it...

 Ticket booth with the Northern Lights behind.

Only in the Bridge River Valley does Santa and his Mich-elf travel by Snow Cat!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are getting back in harness, and quite joyfully. Neat stuff the kids are doing. Keep up the good work. Went cross country skiing yesterday, but now the temp is supposed to go to 9 above, so that's it for a while. Say hi to Anna for us. John K
