Sunday, November 4, 2012

Play Again - Documentary

You've gotta check this out. It's a two minute trailer for a documentary entitled Play Again, which, from what I gather, looks at what childhood behind the screen has become: one devoid of regular daily interactions with nature, and follows a group of young participants as they get back to nature and discover things about themselves that they just wouldn't be able to indoors. Some of the quotes from the children participants are shocking, yet relate to what we hear all the time as educators: kids are spending the majority of their waking hours inside. Let's get them out!

I'm going to try to host a screening for my community here, and possibly one in Lillooet too. The pie chart was especially illuminating for me. Really puts the amount of time kids spend in the virtual world into perspective. Take the two minutes to watch and tell me what you think. Which parts of the trailer stand out for you?

Click here to be directed to the official Play Again website.

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