Thursday, May 24, 2012


is part of my yard.

where I sit in the morning and watch the birds bathe in the pond.

This is the side table I just rolled from the log pile at the front of the house.

Living here demands innovation. You can't just go out to IKEA every time you need something. I think city living makes us forget just how smart and creative we can be, because buying what we need is so easy to do. Out here I'm figuring out just how much can be made with wood and duct tape.

This is me.

This is one of the flock of wild canaries that were in my yard all morning, along with half a dozen other kinds of birds that look amazingly cool and colourful, and sing beautifully. I'm becoming a bird-watcher. Certainly didn't see that hobby coming!

This are a couple of humming birds at the feeder at the school. We have so many "customers" (as Liam calls them) that we have to refill the feeder daily. They swarm around in hordes, tweeting and splaying their tail feathers at each other. It's so much fun to watch! Stay tuned for a video of these little guys made by the students.

And as always I have much more to say, but I'm off to go for a horseback ride in the hills. Life is tough :)

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