Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ice Capades

I put Sanford in the back of my car for the first time today. Tied his collar down to a hook in the trunk of my RAV4 with his leash so he couldn’t slobber all over my back seat. We went skating. Glorious skating, just the two of us on a lake in the sunset. (Don’t worry G&G, people drive their snowmobiles on the lake and it is TOTALLY frozen).

There are a few little cabins along the shoreline. I am shocked every time I skate up to them that no one is up here living in them; what a perfect spot!

A brush fire smoldered at the edge of the lake, around the kidney-shaped bend, but no one was there tending it, and when the darkness crept up and I went on a lake-walk with Sanford after my feet had become blocks of ice in my skates there was still no one there, and no lights on in the gorgeous old hotel that is now vacated except for the occasional function. There’s a story brewing in my thoughts, but instead of writing it down I must get busy and finish a grant application for outdoor education field trips! Yessssssss! Money for something we do all the time anyways! Wish my little school luck.

Ice art I made in the middle of the lake. There's an old woman's face in there; do you see it?

Ice art the ice made. Between the crack...

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