Saturday, January 14, 2012


On Thursday afternoon I took the kids skating on Tyaughton Lake, about a 20 minute drive away. Last week it rained and rained, and this week it was back to freezing with no new snow, making the skating conditions absolutely spectacular. Tyax Lodge was kind enough to say yes to my request to use their parking lot and washroom facilities, and they even invited us in for a hot chocolate afterwards.

It was my first time on skates in YEARS, and the kids found this quite entertaining, as did I. When I finally finished doing up my own laces and stood for the first time I heard them yell "Miss Lanthier is standing up! She's skating! Let's go help her!" Soon I had a kid on each arm guiding me past the bumpier ice out onto the middle of the lake. They showed me how to stop, turn, skate backwards and penguin dive, and my grade two even said "I don't think you were going fast enough" when I tried my first stop.

"You need to go faster," she said, "like this." Before taking a running start at a hockey stop. Right. Like that.

I have also acquired a pair of old hockey skates to use for the season from a local couple who live on Tyaughton. I am constantly amazed at the generosity of people around here and with their willingness to help a newcomer like myself out.

Here are some pictures of us skating on Tyaughton:

I had so much fun skating that I went out again yesterday to Pierson Pond, which is right across the road from Ken and Shirley's place. Shirley and I were out on the ice ALL DAY! It was absolutely amazing. Completely smooth throughout the whole pond, 360 degree views of mountains and trees. I don't think I will get many opportunities to skate like that in my life, so it was good to spend hours out there to soak it up while it lasted.

After skating Ken and Shirley invited me over for dinner, which is not something to pass up when such invites are few and far in between. It was great to hear some of the stories about their life. Before I left Ken showed me his shop. Inside is a red car he built completely on his own using spare and new parts from other cars. Nothing else like it exists in the world. He also has a 1923 pick-up, in mint condition, which still runs with all its original parts! He's going to come to the school in the spring to give the kids a ride. The truck even has a rumble seat!

It's amazing to learn about the hobbies and projects people around here have. I guess it's necessary to have things to keep us all busy when we are not playing outside. Speaking of which, I feel the need to head out for some more skating before this dusting of snow has a chance to stick to the ice!